Cirrus Regional Study of Tropical Anvils & Cirrus Layers (CRYSTAL-FACE)

Key West Naval Air Station, Key West, FL  |  Coordinates: 024°34′33″N 081°41′20″W

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  • About 80 ER-2 flight hours flown.
  • Flights focused on cirrus clouds, especially those generated by thunderstorms during July 2002.
  • Coordinated flights with ER-2, WB-57, Proteus, UND Citation, NOAA P3's and TRMM N-Pol radars (NPOL).
  • First ER-2 flights with dual-frequency radar measurements (EDOP 9.6 GHz & CRS 94 GHz)
  • Overflights of ground assets (East and West remote sensing sites), including cloud radars, lidars and TRMM N-Pol radar (NPOL).
  • ER-2 Instruments: EDOP, CRS, MAS, CPL, EHAD, MTP, JLH, RAMS, SSFR, MMS.
  • You can find more information at the CRYSTAL-FACE Web Site


